Dear Divine Friend,

To face this tough life and karma successfully,  what you require is abundant spiritual power and Blessings.
You are cordially Welcome to the 'Divine Retreat' from 22nd to 25th june 2012 at Ashirwad,Bangalore .

Take away from the Retreat:
  • You will astrally visit the Sixth and Seventh Dimensions for downloading the Divine Spiritual powers.
  • You will release out all the accumulated Karma and negative energies from your Etheric body.
  • You will meet here face to face the Ascended Masters: Mahavatar Babaji, Shirdi Sai, Lord Shiva, Powerer King, Jesus, Lord Krishna & Hazrat Ghouse-e-paak. 
  • You will experience deep Trance of pure Bliss and Joy for long hours and don't wish to come out of that happiness.
  •  Astrally you will travel to 'Cave of Creation'  to meet and merge with your Crystal for activating the "Merkaba light body"
  • You will awaken your sleeping Siddhis (Shakti) to manifest miracles in day to day life.
Friends, New age dawning faster, hence you require new vibrations. Look around..  there is so much of negative dark energy influencing you silently, stop it. Take charge and change your future.

Love, Best wishes
Dr. Syed
Sufi Master

Fee: Rs. 14,500/- (for new members--  including stay and boarding charges for 4 days).
Rs. 12,500/- for old retreat members.

9676686576 / 9739705902